
Experience phone freedom

Phonism removes the barriers, risks and costs of traditional phone migrations.

Simplify and accelerate device setup without manual configurations

100x reduction in onboarding time and costs

Reduce risks and downtime with automated, efficient processes


Automate and accelerate migrations

Phonism migrates Legacy PBX into cloud solutions like Cisco, Zoom and Alianza. Simplify migrations and eliminate manual risks, complexities, and delays. Our Ring Ready™ templates ensure a smooth, efficient process.

On average, businesses spend over 30 mins manually onboarding a new user onto a cloud platform—using an inefficient process. With Phonism, companies can onboard any number of users in seconds. Yet, only 5% are leveraging automation for this task.


Keep your current devices

Purchasing a device can cost up to $600 upfront, while leasing costs between $6 - $18 per month. With Phonism's Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) strategy, customers can save 70-90% on monthly costs. Phonism supports over 310 devices, allowing you to retain your existing devices when migrating to cloud platforms, making the transition seamless and cost-effective.

Save money and support sustainability
Device Compatibility

Phonism supports your device

Keep your preferred devices on any supported platform of your choice. If yours isn't on the list, request support and we can add it.

Find your device
Phonism made our transition to a new phone provider seamless and easy by enabling us to keep our existing phones. This saved us significantly on the upfront costs of purchasing new physical phones for the company.
Shane Kenny
Director of IT, NP Dodge
Learn more

Migrate with Phonism

We are here to guide you through every step of the migration process, ensuring your journey to the cloud is smooth, efficient, and aligned with your business goals.