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Steps for Device Migrations & Onboarding with Phonism

In this guide, we’ll explore the steps for device migrations and onboarding, highlight key features, and showcase the transformative impact of automation on device management.

Learn about streamlined device migrations

Transition to the cloud with your existing or new devices. Phonism provides support for over 325 devices from a range of manufacturers. Learn step-by-step how you can reduce migration complexity through automation, saving time and money.

Zero-Touch Provisioning explained

Discover how ZTP simplifies onboarding with minimal manual intervention, enabling devices to be Ring Ready™ in minutes.

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Key takeaways...

Reduce Costs and Time

Learn how to cut onboarding time and costs by 100x with automation and bulk provisioning.

Secure and Compliant

Explore Compliance Lock® and security features to safeguard against threats during migrations.

Multi-Vendor Support

Phonism provides support for over 325 device types, including non-Cisco models, seamlessly.


Simplify complex device management tasks

This eBook explores how Phonism by Inlayer empowers organizations to simplify complex device management tasks. Packed with actionable steps, insights into automation, and proven success stories, this guide is an essential read for businesses aiming to optimize their SIP devices and scale with confidence.


What people say about us...

“seamless and easy”

Phonism made our transition seamless and easy by enabling us to keep our existing phones. This saved us significantly on the upfront costs of purchasing new physical phones for the company.

Shane Kenny
Director of IT, NP Dodge

“evolving the way we manage devices”

Big shoutout to Phonism for evolving the way we manage devices for our customers! Their powerful APIs have seamlessly integrated into our workflow.

Save Armstrong
Product Manager, Alianza

“saving us countless hours”

Phonism delivered on all fronts, enabling us to deploy and configure devices remotely with ease, saving us countless hours of manual setup.

Stan George
President and CEO at Broadband Office Solutions

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