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About Us

Your partner in device management evolution

Phonism is an automation platform designed to deploy, manage, secure and migrate devices at scale.

Our mission is to free humans from the manual tasks and complexities of device management.

Launched in 2016 in Tampa, Florida, Phonism is dedicated to simplifying the complexities of device management in the communications industry. Under the leadership of CEO Greg DiFraia, Phonism empowers service providers, manufacturers, distributors, and app developers to streamline the deployment, management, security, and migration of SIP devices at scale—eliminating unnecessary costs and operational hurdles.

Our vendor-agnostic platform enables our customers and partners with unparalleled choice and flexibility of devices and platforms, unlocking incredible new possibilities. From breathing new life into legacy devices—keeping them out of landfills—to seamlessly managing the latest innovative devices that are being released, Phonism is your solution for managing them all.


Our leadership team

Steve Lazaridis

Founder & CTO

Greg DiFraia


Marc Tribbe


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